How to Build a Healthy Gut



The gut is loaded with bacteria that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract. Current research has shown these bacteria influence how we think and feel - they also influence our metabolism, immune system, inflammation, and our health.

A healthy gut can house over 1000 different species of bacteria. This is also known as the microbiome. The microbiome’s mission is to survive - if we’re not feeding them properly, they are going to die. Part of their job is to make vitamin B12 and neurotransmitters - feel good hormones.

What Leads to Poor Gut Health?

  • Poor diet

  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits (smoking, lack of exercise, etc.)

  • Stress

  • and certain medications…all affect the gut and can lead to inflammation, which is at the root of all chronic disease. 

An imbalance in our gut flora caused by too few beneficial bacteria and an overgrowth of bad bacteria, (yeast and/or parasites) leads to poor gut health. Bad bacteria have a voice of their own. We need a strategy for how to tame them. It’s not as simple as willpower. These unhealthy bacteria will do anything to survive - which even means leading you to eat sugar or junk - just as you said you were going to stop. It’s amazing how much power they have over our decisions. This is where we must become more conscious and awake and have a plan of action. 


Think of your gut as a field. To take care of the field, we fertilize it and make sure the soil is top notch. The way we fertilize our gut is to be sure we have plenty of healthy bacteria.


To promote the healthy bacteria we start with diet and nutrient dense food. What we put on our plate. What we put on our fork. It all matters. When you experience the positive benefits of healthy gut flora and a well-functioning gut - you feel more alive and energetic.


The gut and the brain are deeply connected. A stressed brain can inform the gut, and a stressed gut can inform the brain. Gut bacteria produce short chain fatty acids - when they digest fiber; the cells in the colon then use these as energy. 


Prebiotics feed the probiotics (the good bacteria.) They include some very common foods like garlic, onions, bananas, oats, and asparagus. Best to incorporate one or more of these 3 to 4 times per week in your diet. 


Bone broth is liquid gold.  Rich in collagen, vitamins, and amino acids that support the gut, bone broth is worth seeking out or making.

And bone broth is easy to make. You might say it’s your grandmother’s chicken soup.  You can use any bones you wish. Cover them with water, add whatever savory you like and simmer for 8 hours+ until you’ve extracted all the goodness from the bones. 


  1. Increase fiber intake. Eat vegetables + prebiotic foods.

  2. Eat plenty of fermented foods containing live microbes - Kimchi, miso, sauerkraut.

  3. Drink BONE BROTH.

  4. Consider adding in a good, high quality probiotic to your day. 

  5. Limit sugar, alcohol, stress and medications. All affect the gut. 


BRENDA’S FAMOUS GUACAMOLE (Full of fiber and goodness!)

When I travel from LA to NY to visit my dear friend Brenda she always has delicious healthy food waiting. One of Brenda’s all time favorite specialties is her homemade guacamole. I asked Brenda to share her recipe below...

“This guacamole can be chunky or smooth depending on how you like it. To me, what makes the guacamole so delicious, is the quality and ripeness of the ingredients. Enjoy!” Love, Brenda


3 ripe avocados - lightly soft to the touch, but not mushy - pitted, peeled and mashed

Red onion - finely chopped (to taste - approx. 2 teaspoons)

1/2 ripe plum tomato - diced  (tomato should be firm but have a little bit of give when you squeeze)

Sea salt - approx. 1 teaspoon or to taste

Cilantro - chopped and fresh, just a pinch - optional


  1. In a medium bowl, mash together the avocados and sea salt.

  2. Mix in onion, tomatoes and cilantro (optional).

  3. Refrigerate for 1 hour for best flavor or serve immediately. 

marlyn diaz